Automotive Sector Group Meet-up

Members Only

HF and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars

Join us for our next Automotive Sector Group Meet-up

Our speaker Hanlin Li will be giving a short talk on about Human Factors in Hydrogen fuel cell cars research project.

Hanlin Li has recently graduated PhD from Loughborough University, Transport Safety Research Centre, who focused on the impact of HF on the commercialising of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle (HFCV). Hanlin currently working at Civil Nuclear sector as a HF consultant (Assystem UK), and thus, “Safety” is the key word throughout their career.

Hanlin would like to share theirv view of the potential challenges in the commercialisation of the HFCV from a HF perspective, and ignite a wide discussion on how HF practitioner can support the development of the Hydrogen Economy in the context of automotive sector (e.g., Skill/Training Need Analysis, HFCV design)

This session is a networking and discussion meet-up.