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Open Forum

Open Forum

Part of our Communities online space, this is a great place to get involved in some lively discussions, get help with your human factors questions and make connections with other members.

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Sector Groups

Sector Groups

Our member-led Sector and Special Interest Groups are full of friendly, helpful people! If you have a particular interest, join a Group to network, learn and contribute to activities.

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News and information

News and information

You'll never miss out on up-to-the-minute news and information about what's going on with our monthly eNewsletter, Think, and our two-minute Friday reads. Sent direct to you by email!

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Articles and opinion

Articles and opinion

Our quarterly magazine is packed with news stories, articles, opinion and guidance. You get sent a printed copy of each edition and you have access to digital back issues online.

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You have full and free access to thousands of papers from two leading journals and peer-reviewed conference submissions. We also have an eLibrary where you can borrow textbooks!

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Expand your competence...


We organise and run lots of events, from in-person conferences exploring the discipline to online Masterclasses teaching human factors tools and techniques. We run a series of webinars too which are all free to attend and are a great place to learn about different areas of human factors. There's always lots of lively and engaging chat from the audience!

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Help with conference attendance

If you're a Student or Graduate Member of the CIEHF, you could get up to £500 towards your travel expenses to attend and present at a conference at home or internationally! Find out more

Like what you see?

If you'd like to be part of our growing community and get all that membership has to offer, including access to services on this page, you can join right now as an Associate Member!