Sector Groups

Collaborate with others who have similar interests

Welcome to our Sector Groups

Sector groups are a great way to connect and share knowledge and ideas. The main aims of the groups are to: 

  • promote the discipline of ergonomics and human factors within the sector 

  • improve the understanding of what best practice looks like and how to apply human factors principles, tools, techniques and methods to achieve this 

  • provide a space for ergonomics and human factors professionals to exchange ideas and thoughts

  • be a point of contact for those outside the discipline to learn more, interact with the group and bridge the gap between ergonomics and many other disciplines 

  • provide opportunities for new research and the curation of white papers 

  • inspire a future generation of human factors and ergonomics professionals within the sector 



Interested in joining a Sector Group?

If you'd like to join a Sector Group, you can quickly and easily sign up as an Associate Member and join a group straight away.


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Automotive Sector Group

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Aviation Sector Group

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Defence Sector Group

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Healthcare Sector Group

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Nuclear Sector Group

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Pharma Sector Group

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Workplace Sector Group

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