AB Risk Ltd We're risk consultants specialising in human factors, safety, and major hazards. Consultancy
How to carry out human factors assessments of critical tasks: Guidance for COMAH establishments Guidance on a task-based, qualitative assessment process in a series of easy to follow notes. Guidance
Hu-Tech We're a specialist Human Factors, Ergonomics & Risk Management consultancy providing support to a broad range of sectors. Consultancy
Human Reliability Associates Ltd Internationally recognised consultancy focusing on helping companies worldwide develop better safety and higher productivity. Consultancy
IHF Ltd We're an award-winning Human Factors training and consultancy company, providing services to the oil and gas, COMAH, marine, aviation, financial and healthcare sectors. Consultancy
Lorraine Braben Consulting We use industry knowledge to support clients with their human factors projects. Consultancy
Monaco Engineering Solutions (MES) MES is a leading global safety & risk consultancy, with a well-established and experienced human factors & ergonomics team. Consultancy