Explore the future of transportation

Members Only

A unique chance to see behind the scenes

Event: CIEHF member in-person meet-up
Date: 26 June
Time: 13:00-16:30 BST
Location: University of Southampton

Transport is so embedded in our everyday lives, we don't tend to think about it much. But getting the equipment, processes, infrastructure and systems to work seamlessly to enable operators and passengers to use it safely and efficiently is a huge task. Different types of transport also need to integrate together in the same space: think of vehicles, trams, bicycles and pedestrians all using the same road network.

We've set up a visit for CIEHF members to come along and find out about the specialist research needed in these systems direct from the Human Factors team in the Transportation Research Group at the University of Southampton. Southampton's Professor of Human Factors in Transport and our current President, Mark Young, will lead the afternoon's activities:

  • Virtual reality (VR) is used in many ways now to envisage complex environments and Dr Ben Waterson will talk about how it's used in transport simulations.
  • Gender differences can sometimes be overlooked in design of systems but Dr Katie Parnell will explain her research around the role of gender in transport in conducting an analysis of the motivating factors, as well as the barriers.
  • Future Transport Zones (FTZ) are a trial programme funded by the Department for Transport to help make journeys easier, smarter and greener. In the Solent FTZ, Dr Rich McIlroy has been exploring Mobility as a Service which enables users to plan, book and pay for multiple types of mobility services through a combined platform.
  • Icons are a great way to get information across provided they are widely and well understood. Joy McKay will explain how she's used human factors to evaluate iconography in interface design.
  • Few of us have been inside a submarine but its unique systems and requirements call for specialist research. Sophie Hallam will talk about integrating environmental information from an uncrewed system into submarine control rooms.
  • As if that wasn't enough, you also get a behind-the-scenes tour of the Group's lab facilities, including an instrumented vehicle, driving simulator, and virtual reality CAVE!

There's only 20 places available, so book your free place now and get a unique look at where we're heading.

(Joining instructions will be sent closer to the date to members who have booked to attend.)