Human Factors in Highly Automated Systems

Find out how human factors can help guide the development and implementation of successful and sustainable automated systems.

About the event

In April 2022, CIEHF launched a White Paper with the title ‘Human Factors in Highly Automated Systems’. Based around 9 Human Factors Principles that can help guide the development and implementation of successful and sustainable automated systems, the paper set out to raise awareness of the following:

  • Key human factors challenges when introducing such systems.
  • The depth of knowledge available in the scientific and applied literature about how to optimise the role of people.
  • Important learnings from adverse advents where there has been a breakdown in the relationship between the human and technological components of the systems.

This webinar introduces and explains the background to the White Paper focusing on two key concepts:

  1. The difference between Types and Levels of automation.
  2. The importance of being very clear about where the balance between Ability, Authority, Responsibility and Control lie in the operational use of the systems.

The webinar also introduces a simple human factors analysis tool to help identify where key human factors issues likely to need effort during design and implementation of a new system are likely to lie.

About the presenters

  • Dr Nora Balfe (Chair) is a Human Factors Specialist at Irish Rail.
  • Professor Ron McLeod is lead author of the White Paper and an independent human factors consultant.
  • Calum Smith works is a human factors engineer at Boeing.