16 May 2022

Human Factors and Road Risk Management (PsyDrive)

Explaining the impact of human factors on road user behaviour and interventions for managing road risk from a systems perspective.

Who should attend? 

The course is designed primarily for people working for organisations concerned with road user behaviour. The course is targeted for anyone who may be required to understand human factors with the aim of reducing road risk. Personnel who should attend include those responsible for managing driver well-being and safety at work such as Safety, Health and Environment staff and Occupational Health Advisors; managers and brokers working within the insurance industry wishing to advise clients on how to reduce claims; Human Resource Managers; Fleet Risk Managers; Driver behaviour specialists; Highways engineers designing the road and traffic system; Roads Policing and Road Collision Investigators and Approved Driving Instructors, driver trainers and driver coaches delivering courses for organisations or individual learner or fleet drivers.

Why should you attend?

The course provides the opportunity to obtain practical guidance on understanding human factors as it relates to road user behaviour delivered by an experienced Human Factors specialist with extensive experience in the field. The course is designed to be the first step in building in-house competence in human factors and road risk management.

What will you learn? 

At the end of the course, you will:

  • Be able to define what is meant by the safe system approach and how Human Factors fits in.
  • Understand how human error, performance, fatigue and workload can contribute to crash involvement, and be able to identify human errors and violations.
  • Understand how systems can be designed to minimise the impact of human factors on crash involvement.
  • Understand how to evaluate the impact of human factors in relation to road risk management, including how to design interventions to improve driver behaviour.

Expected outcomes 

It is expected that you will develop your competencies in Human Factors and road user behaviour. You will also learn to apply new knowledge and skills in the design of interventions for improved road user behaviour. Successful completion of the course will help you to demonstrates your credibility in managing road risk to others.

Course content

The course is made up of five modules:

  • Safe Systems: Aims to help you understand the safe systems approach to road safety.
  • Human Error: Aims to identify human error and its effect on road user behaviour.
  • Human Performance: Aims to evaluate the factors that affect human performance abilities and limitations.
  • Fatigue and Workload: Aims to explain the impact of fatigue and workload on road user behaviour.
  • Road User Interventions: Aims to help delegates select appropriate interventions for improving road user safety.


You'll complete short exercises to check for knowledge including a multiple-choice assessment at the end of the course.

What’s included?

The course includes a number of interactive group exercises and case studies to aid understanding of the topic. You'll be provided with an electronic copy of the course material and a CIEHF accredited CPD certificate on successful completion of the course.

About PsyDrive

PsyDrive is a specialist provider of research, assessment and interventions for improved road safety. PsyDrive has a well-established Human Factors capability with a network of associates to ensure your project and training is delivered according to your requirements. Our collective expertise and experience has been built into our training courses covering the latest thinking in road user risk management.

Find out more

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