
18 Jul 2022

About us

Established: 2006 for HF Capability (1946 for Arup)
Total consultants: 3 Chartered Ergonomist 10 other ergonomics consultant in HF skills group, but other HF qualified people distributed throughout other disciplines who can be called on as required. Total number 15,000.

Arup is a multidisciplinary engineering and management consultancy. We work across a range of sectors from rail and highways through to the energy sector. Our Human Factors team place all users at the heart of the design for both digital and built environment design solutions. 

Our team comprises chartered Ergonomics specialists and psychologists working with our clients on complex challenges.  We work in close collaboration with our architect, system engineers, digital experts and change management colleagues to develop holistic solutions to these challenges.  

At Arup, we aspire to have a positive influence on the world, so sustainability is at the heart of our work. We believe that delivering sustainable outcomes for both current stakeholders and future generations will make our business and clients stronger in the long run. Our work combines analytical innovation, digital creativity, emerging technology, with the multidisciplinary breadth of Arup.

Our clients include Network Rail, HS2, MTR, RfLI, Crossrail, Heathrow Airport, National Highways, Sellafield, Transport for London, amongst others.

Areas of work

  1. Accidents, Health & Safety at Work
  2. Anatomy & anthropometry in human activities
  3. Cognitive ergonomics, complex tasks
  4. Computer software ergonomics
  5. Computer terminals – design & layout
  6. Design & layout of displays and controls
  7. Design of Control Rooms
  8. Environmental ergonomics
  9. Human-Computer Interface Design & Assessment
  10. Human Reliability
  11. Industrial/Commercial Workplace Design
  12. Management & Ergonomics
  13. Manual handling of loads – safety & training
  14. Office ergonomics & design
  15. Risk assessments – various work situations
  16. Sociotechnical systems & ergonomics
  17. Systems Analysis
  18. Task Analysis
  19. Training for management & staff
  20. User requirements & guidance
  21. Usability assessment
  22. Vehicle & Transport Ergonomics