HF Integration Pty Ltd

11 Feb 2025

About us

Established: 2015
Indemnity: Company
Chartered ergonomists: 3
Consultants: 7

The team at HF Integration are highly qualified human factors experts from a range of backgrounds and with expertise across diverse industries. We take pride in delivering leading human factors advice to our clients, and we apply the most up to date research and sources of good practice in all the work we do.

We help major companies in the resources, energy and transport sectors to understand end user requirements, and make sure their equipment and systems are safe and easy to use, are tolerant of human error, and meet relevant human factors standards.

We take a risk-based and task-focused approach to managing human factors. We focus on making sure that operationally critical tasks can be carried out safely and reliably, in line with human capabilities and limitations, and we always engage with end users and subject matter experts to make sure that we understand how work is done.

Core services include:

Human factors integration within major projects
Major engineering projects require careful identification and management of human factors risks, and the world's biggest companies trust HF Integration to manage human factors associated with their most challenging projects. Our work begins at the concept phase and continues through requirements management, to detailed design, system acceptance testing and delivery, making sure that human factors issues are managed and addressed throughout.

Human factors in safety management systems
The team at HF Integration are experts in helping companies manage the human contribution to Major Accident Hazards and embed human factors principles within their safety management systems and critical hazard controls. Our work focuses on making sure systems are tolerant of error, developing procedures and work instructions that are easy to use, and ensuring the training and competency of the workforce supports reliable task performance.

Human - system interaction
Automated systems still need people to operate, supervise and repair them. Failure to consider human factors in system design results in the disengagement of the workforce, lost situational awareness, unsustainable workload, miscommunication, difficult to use interfaces, poor decisions, and unexpected human failures. The design of control rooms, human machine interfaces and alarms require careful application of human factors and ergonomics to ensure they are intuitive and safe to use. That’s why we work with leading technology companies to apply a human-centred approach to the design of these complex systems.