20 Oct 2022

The canine connection

Robot pets and companions have been suggested as a way to combat loneliness and a new study explores the features which could make them more effective. The researchers examined which dog behaviours pet owners thought were the most important for creating and maintaining the bond they felt with their animal.

These included shared activities such as walks and play, being physically close to each other and communication through eye contact, nudges and presenting the owner with toys.

The study revealed that “the majority of owners referred to their dogs’ behaviour as intelligent and intentional, and ascribed considerable importance to both attributes in terms of bond-building”. It added “Although a robotic dog’s behaviour might be controlled by simple algorithms, its actions could still be perceived as intentional or intelligent.”

The findings of the paper, by Katie Riddoch, Roxanne Hawkins and Emily Cross, could help inform the development of social robots that could be companions for people unable to look after a living pet.

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