Open for ideas
Ergonomics & Human Factors 2023 is our annual event that brings together human factors professionals from around the world to share ideas, research and insight. If there’s a project you’ve been working on, a challenge you’ve faced or if you’ve got an example of how human factors has made a positive difference, our conference is the ideal place to let people know about it.
This year, we’re initially looking for short paper submissions of no more than two pages. All submissions need to made using our downloadable template, which also includes tips to help you produce a great looking paper.
After peer-review, the Programme Committee will choose some of the submissions to be expanded into longer papers.
You have until midnight on 1 December to get your submission in and all the accepted papers will be published in Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2023.
This year’s conference will be held in Kenilworth from 25-26 April and feature lectures, keynotes talks, presentations and interviews. A day of Masterclasses will also be held immediately before the event, in parallel with a Doctoral Consortium for PhD students.
As well as helping you find out more about what’s happening across our discipline, it’s a great opportunity to meet your human factors heroes and expand your network of connections.
Submissions have now closed but find out more about the conference.