20 Jun 2024

Designs for life

A suit designed to help young designers experience what it feels like to be an older driver is just one of the innovations on display at a new exhibition marking the CIEHF’s 75th anniversary.

The Third Age Suit was commissioned by motor giant Ford and will be on show at Think Human, which explores how human factors improves lives.

The free exhibition was created in partnership with Loughborough University and opens at Derby’s Museum of Making on 27 September.

It will also feature some of the university’s collaborations with sports brand adidas, including specially developed ‘hot pants’ which helped Great Britain’s Olympic track cyclists win gold at the London 2012 games.

Professor Mark Young, CIEHF President, said: “Ergonomics and human factors is a real-life discipline that makes the world a better place for individuals, organisations and society. Its impact spans all sectors across work and leisure, from transport and healthcare to sport and sustainability. Think Human not only celebrates the lasting achievements of human factors in contemporary applications, but also explores its vital role in tackling future global challenges.”

Professor Dan Parsons, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation at Loughborough, said: “Launching the Think Human exhibition in the home of the UNESCO World Heritage site of the first modern factory is a fitting way to mark 75 years of the professional society that champions user-centred design.”

Find out more about the exhibition.