20 Jun 2024

Charting our future path

The previous five-year plan started in 2019 and despite the challenges of the COVID crisis, positioned the Institute strongly. It has been supported by a robust CIEHF team, trustee support and an active volunteer network, along with financial stability from investments in digital infrastructure and a rich learning content platform.

As the workplace evolves with advancements like AI and automation, the Institute is positioned as a forward-looking entity, encouraging debates regarding the role of human factors. External business challenges from emerging technologies, also present opportunities for the Institute to define its unique position through:

  • enhancing the value of Chartership,
  • leveraging technological advancements,
  • addressing the UK’s skilled professional shortages list, and
  • improving provision for diverse and accessible Learning Pathways.

To refine the strategy, we took feedback from our member survey along with insights from a Strategy Working Group to create an updated plan that’s now focused on four external pillars—Members, Learning, Engagement and Professional Standards—supported by three internal foundations—Operations, Digital and Data. These pillars are interconnected through themes such as Chartership, Sectors, Topics and Career Pathways, which aim to drive impact and growth in priority areas. Although it’s designed without a fixed timeframe, allowing for flexibility and annual reviews, there’s a comprehensive progress assessment set for 2027.

To read more about the strategic framework along with the details of what we’re planning to do for each of the pillars, download the strategic plan.