
Your first glimpse into the exciting and often surprising world of human factors


Delivery: Online
Provider: CIEHF
Format: Text, video and quizzes
Duration: Self paced, 45-60 minutes
Price: Free!

About this Bitesize Learning

This module is the start of a fascinating journey! During the next 45-60 minutes, through a series of four real-life video examples, you’ll learn how human factors can be used to make life and work easier and safer for individuals:

  1. Mistakes happen: Find out what happened to ordinary people on an ordinary day.
  2. Time is critical: Learn how workplace layout can affect the way we work.
  3. Making better choices: Find out how our decisions are influenced by the world around us.
  4. Strength in numbers: Learn about working in teams and the factors affecting performance.

Each video is followed by a few quick questions that help you think about what you've seen and heard.

By the end of this module, you should be able to outline how organisations that adopt human factors can enjoy more success. And you’ll start to understand the potential of human factors for making life better!

Ready to go?