An Introduction to HF in Health and Social Care

Explore the role of HF in creating more intuitive and safer healthcare solutions


Delivery: Online
Provider: CIEHF
Format: Text, video and quizzes
Duration: Self paced, 30- 45 minutes
Price: Free!

About this Bitesize Learning

In this module we explore the vital role of human factors, emphasising how placing humans at the centre of the process leads to more intuitive and safer healthcare solutions, supported by case studies demonstrating improved outcomes.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Outline the critical role of human factors in elevating patient safety, supporting healthcare staff wellbeing and increasing operational efficiency within healthcare settings.
  • Recognise the central importance of human-cantered design in addressing and mitigating challenges such as heavy workloads and fatigue.
  • List and reflect on real-world case studies where the application of human factors has led to significant improvements in health and social care systems.
  • Describe the necessity of designing systems that respect human limitations and capitalise on human strengths, ensuring that healthcare systems are supportive and effective.
  • Advocate for the integration of human factors in health and social care, aiming to create environments that are safer, more efficient and focused on human needs.

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