President's Award

For outstanding contribution to the development of human factors

Who will you nominate?

Has your organisation been involved in a project which has brought human factors into the spotlight, or been instrumental in incorporating human factors in new areas? If so, nominate your organisation or team for the President’s Award! This award recognises organisations and teams that have made significant contributions to our discipline. Previous winners have included companies and organisations from across the spectrum of human factors, including rail, defence, air traffic control, healthcare and aviation.

Recent winners have embedded human factors into submarine design and systems, integrated human factors across the defence and security sectors, and winners have included institutions leading the way in the future of research and teaching in human factors.


  1. This Award is for any group, institution or organisation that has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the ergonomics and human factors in a specific industry or particular field of application.
  2. The nomination must include a full description of the group, especially in detail about its activities over the years in ergonomics/human factors.
  3. ‘Group, institution or organisation’ includes sections, units, divisions or equivalent terms which may contain any number of individuals who may change over the years.
  4. Members of the group need not be members of CIEHF.


This year's winner

The winner of our President's Award 2024 is Office for Nuclear Regulation Human Factors Specialism! The award recognises the work this team has done and continues to do, to transform the landscape of human factors in the UK nuclear industry and to drive continuous improvements in safety, good practice and HF expertise within this domain.

Roll of honour

2023 Human Factors Guideline Group of the Difficult Airway Society and the Association of Anaesthetists

2022 The HS2 Ergonomics Team
2021 BP Human Performance Team
2020 QinetiQ's Human Performance Team
2019 Human Factors Dept, BAE Systems Submarines
2018 Human Factors Engineering Team, University of Southampton
2017 Loughborough Design School
2016 RSSB Human Factors Department
2015 London Underground Capital Programmes Directorate Human Factors Group
2014 Barry Kirwan & Steven Shorrock, EUROCONTROL Safety Culture Team
2013 Human Factors Research Group, Nottingham University
2012 Not awarded
2011 NATS Human Factors team
2010 Alastair Gale PERFORMS Scheme (PERsonal perFORmance in Mammographic Screening)
2009 Institute of Occupational Medicine
2008 Professor Tom Reilly and LJMU’s Research Institute for Sport & Exercise Sciences; The Human Factors Integration Defence Technology Centre (HFI DTC); Institute of Human Factors & Ergonomics, Tsinghua University, Beijing
2007 Network Rail Team
2006 Not awarded
2005 Design for Patient Safety Group
2004 Ergonomics 4 Schools Special Interest Group
2003 Not awarded
2002 Not awarded

2001 The Human Thermal Environments Laboratory, Loughborough University
2000 The Safety Science Group, TU Delft
1999 Not awarded
1998 Not awarded
1997 Silsoe Research Institute; ETSI Technical Committee for Human Factors
1996 The Applied Ergonomics Group, Philips Corporate Design
1995 The Ergonomics Information Analysis Centre, University of Birmingham
1994 The Army Personnel Research Establishment, Farnborough; The Liberty Mutual Research Center, Hopkinton, Mass.
1993 The Human Factors group, Thorn EMI Electronics
1992 ICE Ergonomics
1991 The Ergonomics Unit, Robens Institute, University of Surrey
1990 Not awarded
1989 The Applied Psychology Unit, Medical Research Council, Cambridge
Formerly the Research Award (1983-1988)
1985 Dr David J Oborne of the Department of Psychology, University College of Swansea
1984 Dr John Bebner, for his extensive work in cognitive ergonomics
1983 Dr Edgar D Megaw, for his major contributions to research in the field of industrial inspection